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民脂民膏[ mín zhī mín gāo ]
英the hard-won possession of the people; fat of the people; flesh and blood of the people; substance or wealth of the nation; the people's lifeblood;
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⒈ 同“民膏民脂”。
清 钱泳 《履园丛话·臆论·官久必富》:“今日之足衣、足食者,皆昔日之民脂民膏也,乌足恃乎!”
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民脂民膏[ mín zhī mín gāo ]
⒈ 人民用血汗换来的财富。也作「民膏民脂」。
趣笔阁 qubige.com
英语lit. the fat and wealth of the people (idiom); the nation's hard-won wealth (esp. as an object of unscrupulous exploitation), the people's blood, sweat and tears
法语ressources provenant de la sueur du peuple, richesses accumulées avec le sang et la sueur du peuple
- rén mín人民
- mín zú民族
- nóng mín农民
- jū mín居民
- shì mín市民
- mín zhǔ民主
- mín jiān民间
- gōng mín公民
- mín yíng民营
- cūn mín村民
- mín shì民事
- mín jǐng民警
- yí mín移民
- mín zhòng民众
- guó mín国民
- zhī fáng脂肪
- píng mín平民
- mín guó民国
- wǎng mín网民
- yóu mín游民
- mín gōng民工
- quán mín全民
- shù zhī树脂
- mín háng民航
- mín sú民俗
- mín yòng民用
- biàn mín便民
- yóu zhī油脂
- mín bàn民办
- mín yì民意
- mín shēng民生
- gǔ mín股民
- mín zhèng民政
- mín gē民歌
- mín xīn民心
- yú mín渔民
- mín yáo民谣
- yá gāo牙膏
- mín fǎ民法
- xuǎn mín选民
- jūn mín军民
- nàn mín难民
- fù mín富民
- mín bīng民兵
- mín jū民居
- zāi mín灾民
- zhí mín殖民
- shí gāo石膏
- mín yuè民乐
- zǐ mín子民
- chún gāo唇膏
- mín fēng民风
- lì mín利民
- mín zhái民宅
- mín qíng民情
- mù mín牧民
- mín fáng民房
- zhī fěn脂粉
- mín quán民权
- wàn mín万民